Garbage drop off:
Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
7900 Nebraska Avenue, Cashton, WI
The following items will be accepted with the appropriate fees.
These items can be dropped off directly at the Monroe County Landfill on the last Saturday of April or the first Saturday of October during their Special Waste Cleanup days. Their address is 20448 Junco Road, Norwalk, WI 54648
TV - 25" or less -- $15.00
TV - 26" or more -- $20.00
Refrigerant Appliance (freezers, humidifiers, refrigerators, etc) -- $10.00
Tires (Depending on size) 14.5 cents/lb or $290/Ton
Computers, Printers & Copiers (with cords)* -- $10.00 *if items are missing cords, a higher rate will be charged
Fluorescent Tubes under 8" -- $0.50
HID Lamps, circle fluorescents, specialty lamps, halogens -- $3.00
NOTE -- We will no longer accept the following:
shotgun shells
gun powder
picric acid, etc.
radioactive materials
Voting takes place at the
Portland Town Hall
6736 State Highway 33 - Cashton